How to submit registration
The use of the Transparency Register begins by submitting a registration disclosure. Submit registration using the service portal of the Finnish Transparency Register. Log in to the portal using your personal IDs. The person submitting the registration also needs authorisation to act on behalf of the organisation. Instructions for foreign organisations are provided at the bottom of this page.
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Authorisation to act on behalf of the organisation
You will be automatically granted an authorisation for transactions in the Finnish Transparency Register if, in the Finnish Trade Register, the Business Information System or the Finnish Register of Associations, you have been identified as a:
managing director or deputy managing director
person with authority to sign documents
president of an association.
If you use the Finnish Transparency Register on behalf of an organisation in some other role, you should request an authorisation for transactions in the e-Authorizations section. See more detailed instructions.
Logging in
1. Go to
2. Click the “Log in” button in the upper right corner.

3. Identify yourself using your personal identification method (banking IDs, mobile certificate or certificate card).
4. Select the organisation on whose behalf you are acting in the Finnish Transparency Register. Then click the “Select and go to the e-service” button.

Note: If the correct organisation is not listed in the service, you are probably not authorised to act on behalf of that organisation in the Finnish Transparency Register. Read more about authorisations.
5. Once you have registered in the Finnish Transparency Register, you can fill out the registration form.
Submitting registration
1. After logging in to the service portal, click the “Submit registration” button on the front page of the service portal.

2. Your organisation’s basic information has been automatically retrieved from the Business Information System to the registration form based on the organisation’s business ID. This information includes the organisation’s company name, a list of auxiliary company names, the main line of business and possible contact details.
Note: The basic information from the Business Information System cannot be updated in the Finnish Transparency Register. Update them in the Business Information System service and then return to the Finnish Transparency Register. The updated information is shown when you open the registration form again for editing.
3. If your organisation has auxiliary company names, select the auxiliary company names related to lobbying from the list.
4. Write a brief overview of the organization’s operations (maximum 400 characters).
5. Disclose the organisation’s memberships in associations engaged in lobbying. Such associations include associations engaged in centralised lobbying activities and often act as so-called umbrella organisations.
Search for associations in the Business Information System (BIS) by typing at least the first three letters of the association’s name and clicking the magnifying glass icon. Select the correct association from the displayed list. If you are unable to find the correct association, check the official name of the association and search again. If you still cannot find the association, enter the official name of the association, click on the magnifying glass icon and select “+ Add”.
Note: The association has been correctly added to the form when it is highlighted in grey (see figure below). If necessary, you can remove the incorrect selection by clicking the X mark after the name.
If your organisation does not have any memberships in associations engaged in lobbying, select “No memberships in associations engaged in lobbying”.
6. Enter your organisation’s contact information. The contact information will not be published online.
We recommend that you provide at least one email address so that we can send you an acknowledgement of a successful registration and a reminder message about the opening of the disclosure period and submitting a disclosure of activities. You can include up to four email addresses to the registration by clicking “Add new”. We recommend that you provide the email addresses of the persons responsible for using the Finnish Transparency Register in your organisation.
Alternatively, you can enter a postal address and a phone number instead of an email address, or fill in all the fields.
The postal address is given in the format: street name and number, postal code and city (Example street 1 A, 00200 Helsinki).
You can enter the phone number with or without the country code.
7. Once you have filled out all information marked with an asterisk, you can publish the registration by clicking the “Publish” button at the bottom of the page. The information contained in the registration, with the exception of contact details, is published immediately on the website. The discloser is responsible for the accuracy of the information.
Note: You can also save the registration as a draft and continue to complete it later (see section "Saving registration as a draft")

8. The service will notify you if any information is missing or confirm that the registration was successful. Confirmation of successful registration will be sent to all email addresses provided in the registration form.
9. You can view and edit the information of the registration form at any time in the service portal in the “My organisation’s information” section. You can also see the registration in the public service without logging in.
10. Once you have registered your organisation in the Finnish Transparency Register, you can wait for the next disclosure period. Once the disclosure period has started, you can submit a disclosure of the organisation’s lobbying. The disclosure periods are open from January to February and from July to August.
Saving registration as a draft
Save your registration as a draft if you want to save the information you have entered and continue registration later. The draft will not be published online.
1. Click the “Save draft” button at the bottom of the page and confirm the save.

2. You can log out of the Finnish Transparency Register.
3. Any of the individuals authorised by the organisation may continue the registration in the Finnish Transparency Register.
4. After logging in, the user is notified of the draft registration and prompted to complete it. You can continue the registration by clicking the “Continue with registration” button.

5. Once the registration is ready for publication, click the “Publish” button on the bottom of the page and confirm publication.

Viewing and editing published registration
You can view or edit the details of a published registration in the service portal at any time.
1. Log in to the Finnish Transparency Register.
2. If you just want to view the information, click the “My organisation’s information” on the left panel. If you want to directly move on to edit the information, click the “Edit information” button in the box on the front page of the service portal.

3. You can use the edit view to edit
the selection of auxiliary company names
the overview of operations
membership in associations engaged in lobbying
the organisation’s contact information.
The other information is retrieved from the Business Information System. If you want to update this information, do it in the Business Information System. Then return to the Finnish Transparency Register and open the registration for editing so that the updated information is transferred to the Finnish Transparency Register.

4. Save the changes by clicking the “Save changes” button at the bottom of your screen and confirm your selection.

Logging out
1. Click the “Log out” link on the left panel.

Foreign organisations using the Finnish Transparency Register
Foreign organisations that do not have a Finnish business ID may also register in the Finnish Transparency Register. However, logging in and registration are carried out slightly differently than in Finnish organisations.
Logging in on behalf of a foreign organisation
1. Before registration, the organisation must decide which person(s) are responsible for using the Finnish Transparency Register on behalf of the organisation.
2. If the person does not have a Finnish personal identity code, they must use the Finnish Authenticator service, used for the identification of foreign citizens.
The person registers a unique identifier for a foreigner (UID) for themselves and verifies their identity in the Finnish Authenticator application. You verify your identity by taking a photo of yourself and your passport or the national ID card.
After successful UID registration and verification of identity, the person can use the Finnish Authenticator to log in to the Finnish Transparency Register.
3. The organisation must authorise the person to act on its behalf in the Finnish Transparency Register. This authorisation is made with an application that requires either a Finnish personal identity code and name of the authorised person or a foreigner’s UID and name. See more detailed information on the requirements and instructions for submitting an authorisation application.
4. After receiving authorisation, the authorised person may log into the Finnish Transparency Register at using a Finnish personal identity code and a strong identification method or the Finnish Authenticator service. In the latter case, the login requires a UID or email address, a password, and a PIN obtained from the application.
Registration on behalf of a foreign organisation
1. After logging in to the service portal, click the “Submit registration” button on the front page.

2. The organisation’s business ID has been automatically filled out on the registration form. Enter other information manually. Start by giving the organisation’s official company name, any auxiliary company names related to lobbying and the main line of business. Auxiliary company names are added by typing the auxiliary company name and then clicking Enter.
Note: The company’s business ID, company name or main line of business cannot be modified later. Any changes must be reported to the Finnish Transparency Register administrator at

3. Write a brief overview of the organization’s operations (maximum 400 characters).
4. Disclose the organisation’s memberships in associations engaged in lobbying. Such associations include associations engaged in centralised lobbying activities and often act as so-called umbrella organisations.
Search for associations in the Business Information System (BIS) by typing at least the first three letters of the association’s name and clicking the magnifying glass icon. Select the correct association from the displayed list. If you are unable to find the correct association, check the official name of the association and search again. If you still cannot find the association, enter the official name of the association, click on the magnifying glass icon and select “+ Add”.
Note: The association has been correctly added to the form when it is highlighted in grey (see figure below). If necessary, you can remove the incorrect selection by clicking the X mark after the name.
If your organisation does not have any memberships in associations engaged in lobbying, select “No memberships in associations engaged in lobbying”.
5. Enter your organisation’s contact information. The contact information will not be published online.
We recommend that you provide at least one email address so that we can send you an acknowledgement of a successful registration and a reminder message about the opening of the disclosure period and submitting a disclosure of activities. You can include up to four email addresses to the registration by clicking “Add new”. We recommend that you provide the email addresses of the persons responsible for using the Finnish Transparency Register in your organisation.
Alternatively, you can enter a postal address and a phone number instead of an email address, or fill in all the fields.
The postal address is given in the format: street name and number, postal code, city and country (Example street 1 A, 00200 Helsinki, Finland).
You can enter the phone number with or without the country code.
6. Once you have filled out all information marked with an asterisk, you can publish the registration by clicking the “Publish” button at the bottom of the page. The information contained in the registration, with the exception of contact details, is published immediately on the website. The discloser is responsible for the accuracy of the information.
Note: You can also save the registration as a draft and continue to complete it later (see section "Saving registration as a draft")

7. The service will notify you if any information is missing or confirm that the registration was successful. Confirmation of successful registration will be sent to all email addresses provided in the registration form.
8. You can view and edit the information of the registration form at any time in the service portal in the “My organisation’s information” section. You can also see the registration in the public service without logging in.
For more detailed instructions on viewing and editing information, see section "Viewing and editing published registartion".
9. Once you have registered your organisation in the Finnish Transparency Register, you can wait for the next disclosure period. Once the disclosure period has started, you can submit a disclosure of the organisation’s lobbying. The disclosure periods are open from January to February and from July to August.