Now is the time to submit a disclosure of lobbying activities

Disclosures of activities are submitted to the transparency register for the first time between July and August. The disclosures will contain information about the lobbying activities carried out between 1 April and 30 June 2024.

Submitting disclosures of lobbying activities begins
Last day to submit a disclosure of lobbying activities

What’s new

Kuva avoimuusrekisterin teltasta SuomiAreenassa. Isoimmalla teksti Vastuullista vaikuttamistoimintaa

Avoimuusrekisteri SuomiAreenassa – useimmin kysytyt kysymykset

Avoimuusrekisteri osallistui SuomiAreenaan Porissa 25.–26.6.2024. Kansalaistorin teltassa tarjottiin tietoa lobbarien vastuista ja avoimuusrekisterin käytöstä, keskusteltiin vaikuttamistoiminnasta ja ...


Will recognising lobbyists mean better decisions? Finnish Transparency Register on SuomiAreena

The National Audit Office's panel discussion on SuomiAreena will focus on lobbying and the principles of good lobbying. Our tent at Kansalaistori will additionally provide information on lobbyists’ re...


Kesän 2024 webinaarit ja tukiklinikat

VTV opastaa ja kouluttaa avoimuusrekisteriin liittyvissä asioissa pitkin kesää.


Good lobbying practice

The recommendations for good lobbying practice promotes a good lobbying culture. Get to know the recommendations and see the list of organisations that have committed to them.

Questions and answers

Do you have any questions about the Finnish Transparency Register? Check if they are already answered in the Q&A section.


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